Friday, December 29, 2006

Fighting The Fat – Understand The Difference

A typical advice, given by fitness specialists, is to cut down on fat in the food consumed and thus reduce weight. However, what is usually not explained or is rather ignored, in the simply stated statement, is the difference between various types of fats. Various types of fats? Exactly, there are various types of fats in the body and the majority can be divided into four categories, of which not all are unhealthy. Rather of the totals fats, few are quite essential and are a requirement to the normal diet chart of a person.

The Details And Underlying Differences

To begin with, let us be clear on one aspect. Our body needs fats, to stay healthy. It is the quantity and quality that makes few fat categories, undesirable. But then this is in line with the common fact, that excessive in take of any substance, is unhealthy.

The next step is to understand, what all kinds of fats are healthy or alternatively speaking, must be included in the food charts. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are the two fat categories that are certainly required by the body, to keep up a healthy pace. Astonishing as it might sound, these fats, lower the risk of heart problems. In fact, a particular fat, omega-3 fatty acids, which falls in the latter category i.e. polyunsaturated fats, plays a fundamental role, in the well being of the heart.

Particular Food Information

Good to hear, that there are such fats, but then without apt knowledge of exactly what are the foods that are rich in the mentioned healthy fats, the information is incomplete and futile. Therefore, to help out, here is a list of foods, rich in the healthy fats. Olive, peanut, canola oils, avocados, nuts and vegetable oils like corn, sunflower, soy and cottonseed oils are sources of healthy oils. Seafood is particularly rich in the earlier mentioned omega 3 fatty acids. Flaxseeds, flax oil and walnuts too are a source of the omega 3 fatty acids.

The Flip Side To The Story

Now that we know what the good fats are, let us now have a quick glance at the bad fats. Saturated and trans fats, fall under the category of fats that must be avoided, in regular food charts. Usually solid at room temperature, unlike the good fats, which are liquid at room temperature, saturated fats are available in abundance in most of the animal products.

Apart from keeping an alert eye for the kind of fat that must be consumed, the quantities of fats taken in per day should also be gauged carefully, to avoid any health-related adverse impacts. By eating carefully and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you could stay fit forever.

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